John 4:1-20

Nov 22, 2024Podcasts, Pray Every Day Podcast

Today’s Scripture: John 4:1-20

Mary is reading John 4:1-20 in the WEB.


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Pray Every Day
Pray Every Day
Mary DeMuth

Pray through the Bible verse by verse with Mary DeMuth. When life overwhelms you, unburden yourself through prayer and experience God's nearness. God is listening.

November Show Sponsors:

If you’re interested in sponsoring the Pray Every Day Show, click here to learn more.

Segun Adepoju

Please welcome Seguan Adepoju as a sponsor for the Pray Every Day Show!

Getting Unstuck ex-rays practical insights into tested scriptural truths to living a successful and victorious life. It analyses dynamic, cutting-edge, and life-transforming thirteen critical scriptural principles to get past any obstacle, whether it’s on marriage, relationship, career, health, social issues, or spiritual problems.

Being a principle-based book, Getting Unstuck’s chapters are independently organized such that you do not have to scratch your head to connect the previous chapters to the present or the remaining chapters.

To learn more about Getting Unstuck and to purchase a copy, visit For more resources

Stephanie Binter

Please welcome Stephanie Binter as a sponsor for the Pray Every Day Show!

Are you going through a difficult time in life and want answers? Wouldn’t it be great to have someone right there to talk you through the tough places?

How often in life does it feel like the waves of opposition are knocking you down? Or when you get through one thing, another obstacle is right there in front of you? There is a solution! This devotional is designed to help us hold on during the storm, and focus on the only One who can sustain us when things feel like they are crashing all around us. There is help to get you to the other side. And let me tell you, the other side is so amazing! The process is unpleasant as it smoothes the rough edges, but when it’s finished, and you see how it has shaped you, the result is better than you could have ever expected. I promise! God is always good, even when it doesn’t look or feel good.

Click here to learn more about When the Storms Rage and to purchase a copy.

Deeper Still

I am honored to welcome back Deeper Still as a sponsor for the Pray Every Day Show!

Deeper Still – There is freedom from the emotional wounds of your abortion

Abortion is devastating and leaves a lasting impact on your heart, but it is not unforgivable. Many believe that they are forgiven, but cannot forgive themselves. Jesus has come to give you freedom from your abortion-wounded heart.

We are here to help you experience that freedom.

Learn more about Deeper Still at, listen to the podcast, and purchase a copy of Healing the Hurt that Won’t Heal (use code SAVE20 to save 20%).

Daily Bible Podcast with Tricia and Michelle

I am excited to welcome the Daily Bible Podcast with Tricia and Michelle as a sponsor for the Pray Every Day Show!

We’re Tricia and Michelle, two friends inviting you to join us in reading through the Bible chronologically this year. Reading the Bible every day can be a challenge. We’re here to summarize each day’s passage and provide action steps … in under 20 minutes. Grab a buddy and join our community. Take the plunge, and let’s read through the Bible together. We’ll be cheering you on all the way!

Find out more about the Daily Bible Podcast and listen in here.

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