A Deep, Yet Accessible Bible Study

May 22, 2020Archive

I remember picking up my first Bible study book when I was probably sixteen years old. I turned it over, looked at it like an anomaly. Why? Because I was an unchurched girl, recently converted, and I had zero idea about the Christian culture, Bible studies, or even what Habakkuk was.

I devoured the study.

But I also felt a little cheated.

The questions asked were basic. The who-what-where-when-why-how of questions–very little about history, the original languages or the context of the writing. I felt like I had ice skated the surface, but so much more lurked beneath the ice that I longed to understand.

For years, this was my conundrum, especially as I began leading women’s Bible studies in the 90s. Nothing really seemed to deepen my knowledge beyond what I had already discerned.

That changed when I encountered the Coffee Cup Bible Study series over a decade later. Written by Dr. Sandra Glahn, these were different. Those studies not only revealed far more about the Scripture, but they helped me become a better Bible student myself. Whenever a new study released, I was eager to dive in.

Her latest study is no different. Earl Grey with Ephesians unpacks this beautiful Pauline letter with a scholarly background, yet delivered in plain English. The text (New English Translation NET) is included in the purse-sized book, so you can take it wherever you go and still be able to study it in the margins of your life. Glahn empowers you to uncover the nuances of who you are in Christ (something so beautiful to grasp) in the context of a pagan culture (which, of course, has implications to our daily lives here).

I’ll be giving away a copy of this amazing study (along with some other books and some Etsy goodies) on Monday May 24 over on my Instagram account, so be watching for that. In the meantime, check out the whole series of studies here.